The selection for PhD candidates in MPHS – Mathematical and physical sciences for advanced materials and technologies is open.20.11.2020
The 2020 Society of Rheology Fellows are Lynden Archer, Surita Bhatia, William Hartt, Savvas Hatzikiriakos, Saad Khan, and Gregory B. McKenna.20.11.2020
The 2020 Rheology price of the German Rheology Society (DRG) was given to Volker Räntzsch from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.20.07.2020
The Australian Society of Rheology (ASR) is proud to award the ASR Medallion this year to Prof. Ravi Prakash Jagadeeshan in recognition of his outstanding and meritorious contributions to rheology and for his many years of distinguished service to the Society and the rheology community in Australia16.05.2020
The Editors of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Ian Frigaard and Rob Poole are launching the “JNNFM Complex Fluids Seminar Series”16.05.2020
The 2020 Journal of Rheology Publication Award is given to Abhinendra Singh, Romain Mari, Morton M. Denn and Jeffrey F. Morris.16.05.2020
Professor Ole Hassager of Technical University of Denmark is the 2020 Bingham Medalist of The Society of Rheology16.05.2020
Professor Arezoo M. Ardekani of Purdue University is the winner of the 2020 Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award24.04.2019
Professor Xiang Cheng of University of Minnesota is the 2019 Metzner Awardee of The Society of Rheology01.04.2019
Professor Dimitris Vlassopoulos from F.O.R.T.H – University of Crete in Heraklion/Greece is the 2019 Bingham Medalist of The Society of Rheology.13.07.2018
Mike Webster died mid May after a short and sudden illness. For many years Mike played an active role in the European Society of Rheology. An obituary will be published in Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanic in due time.27.03.2018
The 2018 Rheology price of the German Rheology Society (DRG) was given to Clara Weis at the occasion of the Joint Symposium of the Belgian Group of Rheology and the German Rheological Society "Rheology – 360°" in Luxembourg during March 19-20, 2018.16.03.2018
Professor Michael Rubinstein of University of Duke University is the 2018 Bingham Medalist of The Society of Rheology.22.01.2018
The Polish Society of Engineering Rheology (PSER) is now full member of the European Society of Rheology (ESR).24.12.2017
Hanswalter Giesekus passed away on December 4, 2017. An obituary is published in Rheologica Acta (Volume 57, Issue 11, Pages 691-692)19.05.2017
The ASR Council has awarded the ASR Medallion to Prof. Raja R. Huilgol in recognition of his outstanding and meritorious contributions to the science and technology of rheology.20.04.2017
A special issue of Rheologica Acta is devoted to Yield Stress Fluids: A 100 Years after Bingham’s Landmark Paper.02.11.2016
The Rheological Acta Publication Awards 2016 - 2017 were awarded during AERC 2017 in Copenhagen.02.11.2016
Prof. Lynn Walker (Carnegie Mellon University) takes over editorial duties from Prof. Henning Winter, who has been the editor in chief of the Rheologica Acta since 1989.