AERC 2024: Leeds/UK, April 10 - 12, 2024.
AERC 2025: Lyon/France, April 14-17, 2025.
The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2022) was held in Sevilla/Spain during April 13 - 15, 2021. For more information, please please visit the AERC 2022 site.
The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2019) was held in cyperspace during April 13 - 15, 2021. For more information, please please visit the AERC 2021 site.
The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2019) was held in Portoroz/Slovenia during April 8 - 11, 2019. The Final Report by the organizers can be found here. For more information, please please visit the AERC 2019 site.
The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2018) in conjunction with the meeting of the Italian Society of Rheology was held in Sorrento/Italy during April 17 - 20, 2018. The Final Report by the organizers can be found here. For more information, please visit the AERC 2018 site.
20th Anniversary Meeting of the European Society of Rheology (2016)
March 31 to April 1, 2016
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
together with the 18th Swiss Soft Days
on March 30, 2016
The symposium "Can rheology save the world?" including the graduate student workshop "From Mud to Blood - Did rheology became less dirty?" will be held on March 31 to April 1, 2016 at ETH Zurich. The meeting is intended to look back at what has been a success in our field and to define challenges ahead. The technical program of the 20th Anniversary meeting will feature presentations of invited speakers as well as poster presentations. The graduate student workshop welcomes both oral and poster contributions. For registration and abstract submission please see below.
Invited Speakers
The tentative program (PDF, 142 KB)vertical_align_bottom of the 20th Anniversary meeting and the graduate student workshop is now available. Location and Arrival Information The locations and arrival information (PDF, 273 KB)vertical_align_bottom for the Graduate Student Workshop and the 20th Anniversary meeting.Registration and Abstract Submission for the ESR Anniversary Meeting and Graduate Student Workshop
Registration and Abstract Submission for the Swiss Soft Days 18
The Swiss Soft Days 18 (March 30, 2016) is free. Registration and abstract submission for the SSD is March 11, 2016. Please use the following web-site:
Organizers and Contact:
SoftComp, Applied Rheology, ETH Zurich
Plenary lectures were given by Prof. Jian Ping Gong (University of Sapporo, Japan, Department of Soft and Wet Materials), Prof. David Pine (University of New-York, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering), the 2015 Weissenberg Awardee Dimitris Vlassopoulos, and the 2015 recipient of the Maurice Couette Award (GFR).
The Conference had 10 thematic sessions and a poster session, which includes a student/post-doc poster competition:
- Advanced techniques and methods in rheology
- Colloids, suspensions, and granular materials
- Confined flows, microfluidics and rheology at the microscopic scale
- Food, cosmetic, active and biological rheology
- Interfacial phenomena, foams and emulsions
- Nano, micro and macroprocessing
- Polymers in solutions, self-assembling systems and gels
- Polymer melts, blends, composites and solid polymers
- Simulations and computational rheology
- Structured flows and instabilities
Before the conference (April 14, 2015), a one-day course on Advanced polymeric materials will be offered to interested participants. Three complementary lectures will be given by world-class scientists in the field: Roland Keunings (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) on Rheology and flow of polymer solutions and melts; Prof. Francisco Chinesta (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) on Complex flows of micro/nano structured fluids: reinforced polymer composites; and Christophe Binetruy, Faurecia (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) on Flows of simple and complex fluids in microstructures: reactive processing and novel composite materials. The content of the courses was illustrated by a visit on an industrial site of Airbus.
Poster Session and Poster Awardees (AERC 2014)
Conference Dinner (AERC 2014)
Beer Tasting (AERC 2013)
In "Guidelines for Annual European Rheology Conferences" information and timelines to prepare the annual meeting of the ESR are summarized.