Scientific Programme


The full online programme is available at Here you can find details of of all talks and posters and view the daily schedules. To see the daily schedule, click on "Sch/Loc" and then "Daily Schedule". You can also click "List" to find the "Papers in session". If you create an account you have the possibility of creating a personal programme.

You can also download the conference booklet here. This contains useful information about the programme plus the daily schedules and list of all posters. A printed copy of this booklet will be part of the welcome pack at registration.

A booklet with all abstracts of talks and posters is available here.

Below is an outline schedule, giving the main timings of the conference.

Date and time Event
Lunch 8th April Start of short course
Early afternoon 9th April End of short course
Evening 9th April Welcome reception (6pm-7.30pm)and registration (5pm-7.30pm): in the Great Hall
8.50am 10th April Opening ceremony and first plenary lecture
10th April Scientific sessions
5pm 10th April Poster session and refreshments
8.40am 11th April Weissenberg and Oldroyd award plenary talks
11th April Scientific sessions
Evening 11th April Conference dinner
12th April Scientific sessions
Early afternoon 12th April Final plenary talk, closing ceremony, conference ends