Future AERCs and ICRs

AERC 2024: Leeds/UK, April 10 - 12, 2024.

AERC 2025: Lyon/France, April 14-17, 2025.


Annual European Rheology Conference 2022 (AERC 2022)

Sevilla, April 26 - 28, 2022

The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2022) was held in Sevilla/Spain during April 13 - 15, 2021. For more information, please please visit the AERC 2022 site.

Annual European Rheology Conference 2021 (AERC 2021)

Virtual, April 13 - 15, 2021

The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2019) was held in cyperspace during April 13 - 15, 2021. For more information, please please visit the AERC 2021 site.

Annual European Rheology Conference 2019 (AERC 2019)

Portoroz/Slovenia, April 8 - 11, 2019

The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2019) was held in Portoroz/Slovenia during April 8 - 11, 2019. The Final Report by the organizers can be found here. For more information, please please visit the AERC 2019 site.

Annual European Rheology Conference 2018 (AERC 2018)

Sorrento/Italy, April 17 - 20, 2018

The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2018) in conjunction with the meeting of the Italian Society of Rheology was held in Sorrento/Italy during April 17 - 20, 2018. The Final Report by the organizers can be found here. For more information, please visit the AERC 2018 site.

AERC 2017 - Copenhagen/Denmark

The Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2017) in conjunction with the Nordic Rheology Conference was held in Copenhagen/Denmark during April 3 - 6, 2017.


20th Anniversary Meeting of the European Society of Rheology (2016)

March 31 to April 1, 2016 ETH Zurich, Switzer­land to­gether with the 18th Swiss Soft Days on March 30, 2016

The sym­posium "Can rhe­ology save the world?" in­clud­ing the gradu­ate stu­dent work­shop "From Mud to Blood - Did rhe­ology be­came less dirty?" will be held on March 31 to April 1, 2016 at ETH Zurich. The meet­ing is in­ten­ded to look back at what has been a suc­cess in our field and to define chal­lenges ahead. The tech­nical pro­gram of the 20th An­niversary meet­ing will fea­ture present­a­tions of in­vited speak­ers as well as poster present­a­tions.  The gradu­ate stu­dent work­shop wel­comes both oral and poster con­tri­bu­tions. For re­gis­tra­tion and ab­stract sub­mis­sion please see be­low.

In­vited Speak­ers

  • Cor­neliu Balan (Poly­tech­nic In­sti­tute Bucharest): Rhe­ology is not just a theo­logy of con­tinuum mech­an­ics 
  • Adam Bur­bidge (Nestle Re­search Centre): Can rhe­ology save the world?
  • Li­onel Choplin (GEM­ICO): To­wards bio-inspired ma­ter­i­als design
  • Phil­ipp Erni (Firmenich SA): Rhe­ology re­search in in­dustry: Un­der­stand­ing and design­ing soft ma­ter­i­als
  • Su­z­anne Field­ing (Uni­ver­sity Durham): When is flow ho­mo­gen­eous?
  • Anke Lind­ner (ES­PCI): Hav­ing fun with mi­cro­fluidic rhe­ology
  • Filip Oost­er­linck (DSM): Rhe­ology can­not save the world but it can help to save our waist­line
  • Guil­laume Ovar­lez (Uni­versité Bor­deaux): Is there any­thing more im­port­ant in rhe­ology than mon­od­isperse sus­pen­sions of 140 mi­crons poly­styrene spheres?
  • Simeon Stoy­anov (Uni­lever): Brief his­tor­ical over­view of the sur­face rhe­ology – The good, the bad and the ugly
  • Peter Van Puyvelde (KU Leuven): Can rhe­ology save 3D print­ing


The tent­at­ive pro­gram (PDF, 142 KB)vertical_align_bottom of the 20th An­niversary meet­ing and the gradu­ate stu­dent work­shop is now avail­able. Loc­a­tion and Ar­rival In­form­a­tion The loc­a­tions and ar­rival in­form­a­tion (PDF, 273 KB)vertical_align_bottom for the Gradu­ate Stu­dent Work­shop and the 20th An­niversary meet­ing.

Re­gis­tra­tion and Ab­stract Sub­mis­sion for the ESR An­niversary Meet­ing and Gradu­ate Stu­dent Work­shop

  • The re­gis­tra­tion fee for the ESR An­niversary Meet­ing (April 1, 2016) is - in­clud­ing lunch - Euro 100.-. 
  • The gradu­ate stu­dent work­shop (March 31, 2016) is free (lim­ited num­ber of par­ti­cipants).
  • Re­gis­tra­tion and poster ab­stract sub­mis­sion for the ESR An­niversary Meet­ing: Closed.
  • Re­gis­tra­tion and ab­stract sub­mis­sion (or­als and posters) for the Gradu­ate Stu­dent Work­shop: Closed.

Re­gis­tra­tion and Ab­stract Sub­mis­sion for the Swiss Soft Days 18

The Swiss Soft Days 18 (March 30, 2016) is free. Re­gis­tra­tion and ab­stract sub­mis­sion for the SSD is March 11, 2016. Please use the fol­low­ing web-site: http://swiss­soft­days.ethz.ch/

Or­gan­izers and Con­tact:

  • Jan Ver­mant & Peter Fisc­her (ESR An­niversary Meet­ing)
  • Mar­tina Pepi­celli & Lu­kas Böni (Gradu­ate Stu­dent Work­shop)
  • Lu­cio Isa (Swiss Soft Days 18) - http://swiss­soft­days.ethz.ch


SoftComp, Applied Rheology, ETH Zurich

AERC 2015 - Nantes/France

Plenary lectures were given by Prof. Jian Ping Gong (University of Sapporo, Japan, Department of Soft and Wet Materials), Prof. David  Pine (University of New-York, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering), the 2015 Weissenberg Awardee Dimitris Vlassopoulos, and the 2015 recipient of the Maurice Couette Award (GFR).

The Conference had 10 thematic sessions and a poster session, which includes a student/post-doc poster competition:
- Advanced techniques and methods in rheology
- Colloids, suspensions, and granular materials
- Confined flows, microfluidics and rheology at the microscopic scale
- Food, cosmetic, active and biological rheology
- Interfacial phenomena, foams and emulsions
- Nano, micro and macroprocessing
- Polymers in solutions, self-assembling systems and gels
- Polymer melts, blends, composites and solid polymers
- Simulations and computational rheology
- Structured flows and instabilities

Before the conference (April 14, 2015), a one-day course on Advanced polymeric materials will be offered to interested participants. Three complementary lectures will be given by world-class scientists in the field: Roland Keunings (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) on Rheology and flow of polymer solutions and melts; Prof. Francisco Chinesta (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) on Complex flows of micro/nano structured fluids: reinforced polymer composites; and Christophe Binetruy, Faurecia (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) on Flows of simple and complex fluids in microstructures: reactive processing and novel composite materials. The content of the courses was illustrated by a visit on an industrial site of Airbus.

AERC 2014 - Karlsruhe/Germany

Poster Session and Poster Awardees (AERC 2014)

Conference Dinner (AERC 2014)

AERC 2013 - Leuven/Belgium

Beer Tasting (AERC 2013)

Organizing a future AERC?

In "Guidelines for Annual European Rheology Conferences" information and timelines to prepare the annual meeting of the ESR are summarized.